Here you can find a step-by-step Trendnet configuration guide to set up VPN.
Find your VPN credentials for manual configuration
To find your VPN credentials log into the PureVPN Member Area. Click 👉 here to visit Member Area.
Login to the Member Area using your PureVPN registered email address and password.
On Subscription tab scroll down to be able to view your VPN credentials.
- You will be able to see and copy your VPN credentials.
- Note down your PureVPN username and click the Eye icon to make your password visible and use it in the manual configuration.
How to set up PPTP on TREnDnET router
Here is a simple step-by-step guide on how you can configure PureVPN on a Trendnet router using PPTP protocol.
Enter or copy-paste into your web browser. Your router will ask you to enter your username and password. Use the default credentials and hit Login.
- Default username: admin
- Default password: admin
Next, click Advanced on the menu present on the left-hand side of your screen.
Now, click Administration right below Advanced and then click the Setup sub-tab.
Once you enter the Setup tab, you will need to manually modify settings for the connection. Here is how to do it:
- Connection Type: From the drop-down menu select PPTP
- PPTP Server: (Please refer to the server addresses below)
- Germany:
- Netherlands:
- United Kingdom:
- United States:
- United States:
- Australia:
- The protocol of Physical Connection: Select DHCP
- DNS Servers: In the first box and in the second box,
- Enter your PureVPN credentials. Here is how you can find your VPN credentials.
- On-Demand Mode: Select Disabled
- Keep Alive Mode: Select Enabled
- MTU: Type 1452
- And there you go! Enjoy complete internet freedom.
How to install DD-WRT firmware
- Login into your TRENDnet router and tap on Tools.
- Click Firmware Upgrade under Tools.
- Click Choose File and upload the downloaded DD-WRT firmware file.
- Click Upgrade.
Congratulations! Firmware upgraded to DD-WRT.
DeleteHow to set up OpenVPN
First, you need to download all OpenVPN files. Once downloaded, extract the files.
- Open your DD-WRT Control Panel and select Services then go to the VPN tab and Enable OpenVPN Client.
Now configure your OpenVPN client as shown below.
- OpenVPN Client: Enable
- CVE Mitigation: Disable
- Server IP/Name: Enter your desired location’s TCP/UDP server address here. Server list can be accessed from here:
- Port: 80 (For TCP)/ 53 (For UDP)
- Tunnel Device: TUN
- Tunnel Protocol: TCP/UDP
- Encryption Cipher: AES-256-CBC
- Hash Algorithm: SHA-1
- Inbound Firewall on TUN: Uncheck
- User Pass Authentication: Checked
- Username and Password: Enter your PureVPN credentials. Here is how you can find your VPN credentials.
- Advanced Options: Enabled
- TLS Cipher: None
- Compression: Adaptive
- NAT: Enable
- Firewall Protection: Disable
- Tunnel UDP MSS-Fix: Disable
- Verify Server Cert.: Checked
- TLS Key Choice: TLS Auth
- TLS Key: Copy and paste all the content from the key file you have downloaded with the OpenVPN configuration files.
- Additional Config:Â
- persist-key
- persist-tunÂ
- CA Cert: Copy and paste all the content from the crt file you have downloaded with the OpenVPN configuration files.
- Click Save and then Apply Settings button.
- Now navigate to the Status tab then OpenVPN to check the connection Status.