How to Turbo Charge Your VPN Speed?

Connecting a VPN may hinder the speed of your internet a bit but not with PureVPN. Here’s how you can turbo charge your VPN speed

Written By Lorenzo Vincent

Updated at July 27th, 2024

How to Give Your VPN Speed a Turbo Boost?

Not being able to access content is a pain and a slow connection increases it. However, with the help of PureVPN you can get rid of these pains once and for all. The speed of your VPN connection depends on many factors, including the bandwidth, distance to and from the server, etc. and these factors are well-beyond the reach of any VPN provider.

Why does the speed drop?

A VPN connection is generally slow because of all the added security, protocols and encryption carried out on end-to-end basis. This is done for the security of your data.

How can you improve speed?

If you are experiencing speed slower than usual, then you can take some steps to improve the situation.

Speed Depends Upon Your Internet Connection

Before you take any step, we recommend you to check your internet speed without PureVPN, then check it with PureVPN connected. This will clarify whether your Internet connection speed is down or not. Follow the below mentioned steps to check your speed:

  • Disconnect VPN
  • Visit this link
  • Select your location as the same as VPN server in the map. (For example: If you want to access a UK website, select UK from the Map to test speed from your location to UK without VPN.)
  • Test your internet connection speed.
  • Now connect to VPN.
  • Test your internet connection speed with same servers.
  • If you are experiencing lower than expected speed, then there are several steps you can take to improve your speed.

Change Protocols

Different Internet Service Providers support different protocols. If you are experiencing slow speed, switch between the protocols i.e. Wiregurard/TCP/UDP/IKEv2 and then check your speed.


Use Recommended Server Option

If you are located too far from a VPN server (Your desired location), you may not get maximum speed of that VPN server. Try using the recommended server option in the PureVPN application. It will find the best server for you as per your physical location, and help you get the maximum speed and connection stability.
