How to set up OpenVPN TP-Link Omada Router

To set up OpenVPN on a TP-Link Omada Router, you will need to follow these general steps:

Written By Fahad Ahmed

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Learn how to set up OpenVPN on your TP-Link Omada router with this comprehensive step-by-step tutorial. Enhance your network security and privacy by configuring OpenVPN, allowing secure remote access to your local network from anywhere.

  • Start by visiting the PureVPN support center to download the PureVPN OpenVPN Configuration files for your router. Extract the files after downloading from this link.
  • Next, log in to your router's control panel. Look for the VPN section and select the OpenVPN tab.
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  • Within the OpenVPN tab, locate and click on the 'OpenVPN Client' option. Then, click on the '+ Add' button to create a new OpenVPN profile.
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  • Fill in the profile details as instructed below:
  • Client Name: PureVPN
  • Mode: CA+PWD
  • Enter your PureVPN credentials. Here is how you can find your VPN credentials.
  • Service Port: Use 80 for TCP or 1194 for UDP
  • Remote Server: Choose your desired OpenVPN server from the server list
  • provided by PureVPN. Convert the server name into an IP address. You can find the server list here.
  • Local Network: Enter your local Network IP or Gateway IP
  • WAN: WAN
  • File Path: Upload the OpenVPN file you downloaded in Step 1
  • Status: Enabled
  • Click OK to save the profile
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  • Congratulations! The PureVPN OpenVPN connection is now activated on your TP-Link Omada router.
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