How to set up Port Forwarding on Belkin Router

Need to configure Belkin Router Port Forwarding? Check out this guide and configure Port Forwarding on your Belkin router for accessing remote machines or hosting local servers.

Written By Fahad Ahmed

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Your Belkin F7D1301 v1 router has a basic firewall that helps protect your home network from unwarranted Internet activity. The firewall does this by blocking incoming and outgoing ports. Some online games and programs run much smoother if you allow additional ports through. To do this, you will have to forward the port with a process called Port Forwarding. You may follow the below guide to setup PortForwarding on the Belkin router.

PureVPN’s Port Forwarding Add-On – An Easy and Secured Way

If you want to avoid the hassle of manually opening ports, our Port Forwarding add-on makes life a heck of a lot easier and is just what you need. It allows you to use port forwarding simultaneously with PureVPN, so you can seamlessly and securely communicate with any server or device across the world.

We have created this short guide to help you enable port forwarding on your Belkin F7D1301 v1 router. We will show you:

  1. How to set up a static IP address on the device you plan on forwarding ports to.
  2. How to login to the Belkin F7D1301 v1 router’s interface.
  3. How to find the port forwarding page in the router's web interface.
  4. How to set up a port forward for online games or the programs of your choice
    • It is important to set up a static IP address on the device that you are forwarding a port to. This ensures that your ports will remain open even after your device reboots.
  5. Follow our Router set up guide to setup a static IP address.

TIP: Write this static IP address down. You’ll need it in Step 4

  • Now we are going to log in to your Belkin F7D1301 v1 router. Your router has a web interface, so you will log into it using your web browser. This can be either Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Edge. It usually does not matter which browser you choose to use.

  1. Open up your web browser and find the address bar.
  2. Simply enter the router's IP address (computer's default gateway) in the address bar.
    • By default, the IP address is usually set to 
  3. After entering the IP address of your router you can simply press enter.
  4. If you do not get the result mentioned as the one above, you need to see if the router's IP address has been changed. To do this, follow the directions on our how to find your Router IP adress page.
  5. On this page click the Virtual Servers option on the left sidebar.
  6. You should now see a box prompting you for your username and password.
    • The Default Belkin F7D1301 Router Username is: admin 
    • The Default Belkin F7D1301 Router Password is: password 
  7. Enter your password, and then click the Submit button to log into your Belkin F7D1301 v1 router.
    • Now we need to find the port forwarding section in your router. Here's how you do it. Starting from the first page in your router:
  8. Click the option of Virtual Servers on the left sidebar.
  • Eg: Here are the ports to forward for Xbox Live:
    • TCP Ports:           3074
    • UDP Ports:          3074
  1. In the Enable checkbox put a checkmark.
  2. Put a name for this forward in the description box so you can remember why you set this forward up. The name does not matter so pick something that has meaning to you.
  3. Enter the port to forward into both the Inbound
    •  The Outbound Port boxes. b
  4. Select the required protocol for these ports from the Type dropdown box.
  5. Enter the IP address that you are forwarding ports to in the Private IP Address box. This is either the IP address of a computer or the IP address of another device on your network.
  6. When you're finished, click Apply Changes at the top of the screen to save your changes.

Test if Your Ports are Open

Now that you have forwarded ports on your Belkin F7D1301 v1 router, you should test to see if your ports are forwarded correctly.